Financial Goal Setting

Hi, I am your chatbot assistant for personal finance. Please follow the instructions/steps given below for setting your client's financial plan or personal financial plan (you may also skip the instructions and go directly to the input form below OR perform a quick analysis on personal finance here):

Insert monthly net income: $ and portion of monthly net income to be saved each month: , and age:


Organize personal finances and create a personal budget

First, identify how much cash or cash equivalent assets (such as certificate of deposits, GIC and other savings) are available on hand at any given point in time. Then, determine the target amount for retirement / down payment for home purchase / college fund for kids, etc. These two numbers set the stage for how much more needs to be saved each month/year and at what rate it needs to grow annually. This can be easily done using the form given below. Simply insert into the textboxes/dropdown-lists and press Enter

Next, identify how much is spent each month in comparison with monthly income. If the income minus expense is less than the desired monthly savings amount, start by categorizing the expenses into groups and sub-groups (e.g. food, rent, transportation, etc). Then, look for opportunities to curtail expenses in various groups based on personal preferences to extract the desired level of savings. A simplified alternative approach could be 50-30-20 rule which recommends allocating 50% of income to needs or fixed expenses, 30% of income to wants or variable expenses, and 20% of income to savings, if it provides the desired level of savings

It is also important to regularly monitor plus plan for upcoming significant expenses and maintain an emergency fund. Keeping track of all debts (e.g. credit card, student loan, car loan, mortgage, etc) and paying down debts regularly are good financial habits. In addition to reviewing the personal budget as and when personal situation changes, review the personal financial plan/goal and the continued suitability of common investment portfolios using the form given below quarterly or at least once every 12 months for evaluating progress

Input Form:

Currently saved amount (in dollars) to meet long term financial goal:

Target amount (in dollars) for retirement / home down payment / kid's college fund, etc:

Savings (in dollars) per year or per month:

Select current age:

Select retirement age or target age to accomplish financial goal:

Investment portfolio rebalancing frequency:

Number of years to analyze investment portfolio performance:

Time period to analyze investment portfolio performance:

Your Long Term Financial Goal/Plan:

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Customer Information

Client Name: (max 30 characters)

Client Unique ID: (max 30 characters)

Client Personal Details: (max 300 characters)

Saving for:

** Limited Time Offer: To save, only signup required **

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